Thursday, February 14, 2008

Now Accepting Donations!

Please consider making a donation to the "Supply Uganda" fund. Northern Uganda has been ravaged by violence perpetrated by the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) for over twenty years. The rebels and the government of Uganda have been involved in fragile peace talks for approximately two years. Though the peace talks are tenuous at times, the outlook is good. As part of the rebuilding process, the charity Invisible Children has been working on rebuilding and improving existing school facilities in northern Uganda. Your donations will go towards the purchase of much needed school supplies and textbooks for underprivelaged students attending school at partner schools. Many of the students you will be supporting are orphaned or have lost a parent to the war, many have had to practice "night commuting," and some have even eperienced the violence of the LRA firsthand.

I will be traveling to Uganda this coming June, and I would love to be able to bring the message that the United States cares. Please help me in this mission. You can make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation to Invisible Children by clicking on the button below. Donations will be pooled into a Pay-Pal account, and a lump sum payment will be made to Invisible Children Charities prior to my travel to Uganda.

I thank you for your generous support!

If you would like public recognition for your donation, please indicate how you would like to be recognized with your donation. All those wishing to be recognized will have their names posted on the webblog Supply Uganda.

Thank you again for your donations!

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